Site Search Engine 1.3 Full
Saturday, June 20, 2009
If you have a large Web site with lots of pages and a good mixture of material, creating a good navigation scheme for it can be very hard. How can you get your visitors to the information they want without lots of confusing labels, pictures and links? Site search engines provide this capability.
Here's a simple utility which can quickly create site specific search engine for you. This is a Windows program that you download and run on your home computer. It works with the local copy of your Web site and creates the additional HTML file which contains all necessary code and data to add search capabilities to your site.
You can also use this program as a free site map builder, since the created file can act like a site map with search capabilities. See below for more details.
You can run this free site search engine on any Web server (both Internet and Intranet) and even on your hard drive. The only requirement is the javascript enabled browser. You have full control over the appearance of the search results page. And you can specify which pages of your site need to be included in the search index.
Other features
Reducing the size of the output file
This site search engine is the most suitable for small and medium Web sites. (In fact, it can index up to 8400 pages.) If your site has hundreds of pages and the output index file is too big and takes too long time to load, you can reduce its size by ignoring some words...
•"Casual" - if checked, words appearing in the HTML file only once won't be included in the index. This can reduce the size of output file in half.
•"With digits" - if checked, words containing digits won't be included in the index file and will be ignored when searching your site.
•"Plurals" - if checked, the site search engine will consider plurals to be the same as singulars, and only one variation will be included in the index file.
•"Length under" - you can specify that short words (under 2-4 letters) won't be included in the index file and will be ignored when searching your site. The value 1 makes the site search engine include all words.
Creating the site map
You can also use this program as a free site map builder. If you select "Site Map" instead of "Search Engine", the program will create the plain HTML file (no javascript) containing links to all selected pages. You can consider this file as a basis for creating your site map.
Empty list
By default, if the search box is empty, the results page will contain links to all indexed pages. If you prefer the empty list of files in this case, check the box "Empty list."
You can use wildcards when searching:
•? stands for any character.
•* stands for any number of characters (including no characters at all).
Non-English pages
Site search engine correctly indexes non-English HTML pages which use high ASCII codes (128...255) to represent national characters.
Notes for non-English pages:
•The "Plurals" check box works only with english words.
•You may need to add the correct
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