Marinersoftware Contour 1.0  

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Marinersoftware Contour 1.0 | 10.2MB

Contour enables writers to develop a movie concept from the idea stage to a bulletproof outline. Along the way, Contour guides the writer through plot points of all three acts and explains the major storytelling secrets to crafting a highly marketable movie. The main character's journey is explained through archetypal themes that reverberate in the top 50 grossing movies of all time. Once the story passes through Contour, the writer can seamlessly transfer their work into Montage, Mariner Software's screenwriting software, to write and start marketing the script.
Some of Contour's features include:

-Flesh out a main character and codify their motivations and behaviors.
-Quickly recognize archetypes which protagonists journey through in all the top movies.
-Go from concept to bulletproof outline in less time than ever before.
-Learn a flexible yet exact plot point and beat structure that works for all genres.
-Seamlessly transfer a concept into popular screenplay writing software such as Montage.
-Develop a compelling logline, one that movie studios will want to read.

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