DSL Speed 4.8 Portable  

Friday, June 19, 2009

DSL Speed is a prefessional tool that will online smart optimize your DSL (e.g., ADSL, G.lite, IDSL, SDSL) connection speed to MAX.DSL Speed is for DSL PPPOE only prefessional tool and does not support the PPPOA NOR modem dialup networking.DSL Speed is a program that helps you optimize your DSL connection speed.

Features of "DSL Speed":
· Online Verify Your ISP's MTU And Your DSL Unique Optimize Value.
· Online And Offline Optimize Your DSL Connection Speed To MAX.
· Faster loading Web Pages.
· Tweaks DNS Errors Caching In Windows 2000/XP.
· Tweaks ICS In Windows 98SE.

· TCP / IP Networking installed and bound to one or more network adapters
· Windows Sockets 2.0




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